Atmos – Exploração Turística & Administração de Condomínios, S.A. is a cape-verdian company, established at the end of 2014, with the main purpose of running touristic developments, restaurants and bars, as well as manage condominiums, leisure and sports facilities, and other services related to tourism.
The company is owned by the Portuguese Group Água Hotels, as part of the internationalisation project Vila Verde Resort, which has adopted, for commercial purposes, the name Sal Vila Verde.
Agua Hotels' envolvment in the Vila Verde Resort is based in three main business areas
Condominium Administration
Tourist Development
Real Estate
Condominium Management is the foundation of all three business areas. Effective condominium administration is necessary to enhance and add value to the other businesses.
Tourist Development is the core business of the Group. It was established as the aspect that brings greater economic and financial flow, and it provides a higher level of visibility and internationalisation to the whole Project.
The Real Estate operation is still in its infancy.
In addition to the three areas of business described, the Agua Hotels Group are also responsible for operating the commercial units within Vila Verde Resort.
Concentration on all these aspects ensures integrated management of the Resort, answering all the variables that make up the project, either in its "community" dimension, or its "hospitality" dimension, i.e. the areas of real estate, tourism and trade.
The Agua Hotels Group's involvement in Vila Verde Resort marks the beginning of a long-term vision which centres on solid and integrated management of the Resort.
The idea is to grow gradually, resisting the temptation to try and expand too quickly at the risk of faltering growth, at the same time as ensuring the full operation of services and facilities.
For this, a ten year business plan was designed, as contracted with the Resort promoter and the various condominiums.
The condominium administration is financed by the owners of the Resort, while the financing of the tourist development is assumed by the Agua Hotels Group.
A healthy and transparent relationship, accompanied by responsibility, from both owners and the condominium management is essential. It is fundamentally a strategic vision that can and should be seen as a partnership based on a ‘win-win’ scenario for both parties.
In this context it is important for owners to know their rights as well as their responsibilities and to comply fully with the set deadlines.
Any activity outside the regulations brings into question the success of the Project.
The Agua Hotels Group started its activities in 2005.
In 2007 Agua Hotels opened the Suites Alba Resort & Spa, located in the Algarve in southern Portugal.
That was followed by the Hotel Mondim de Basto in 2008.
Two years later, in 2010, the Hotel Vale da Lapa has opened.
The inauguration of the Hotel Riverside took place in 2011.
One year later, in 2012, the Hotel Douro Scala was opened.
And finally, in 2015, the Agua Hotels Group arrived at Sal Vila Verde Resort, their first international project.
Eight years from the start of it’s first project, the Agua Hotels Group now has six hotel units in its portfolio, which taken together represent more than 5,300 beds.